Work of the Week in association withThe Immortal Awards

Work of the Week: 23/04/21

London, UK
Celebrating Ramadan, fighting distorted beauty standards, allowing our planet to speak up for itself, and laughing at a Super League – it’s been a busy old week

In a week that’sseen the beginning – and end of the European Super League, Earth Day and markedthe second week of Ramadan there’s been a lot to talk about in the world ofcreativity.

M&C SaatchiUAE teamed up with Oppo and footballer Mo Salah to give a glimpse of his nativeEgypt and the celebrations for Ramadan that take place there in a wonderfully heart-warmingspot. Cross the ocean and Leo Burnett Singapore’s campaign for McDonald’shighlights how locals and Malaysians who have been kept apart from theirfamilies due to the pandemic are able to mark Ramadan their owns ways. The spotmay feature a virtual family dinner, but the direction and storytelling are sowonderful it’s easy to see it as not just another Covid ad.

Also this week,Heineken encourage us to ‘don’t drink and start a league’ in a brilliant printcampaign from Publicis agency Le Pub first spotted on Instagram. While Ogilvyand Dove fight unrealistic beauty standards in the Reverse Selfie. There’s alsowork from GREY Columbia for Earth Day, H&M’s suit rental service, acollaboration between BOMBAY SAPPHIRE and The Design Museum and so much more.

Check out the fulllist below.

A Homesick Mo Salah Gets a Taste of Ramadan in Oppo Campaign

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McDonald's ‘My Happy Table’ Helps Singaporean and Malaysian Families Share the Spirit of Ramadan

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Red Cards All Round as the Industry Responds to the European Super League

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BOMBAY SAPPHIRE's Design Museum Supermarket Shows That Creativity is Essential

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H&M's Suit Rental Service Opens Doors to Job Interview Confidence

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Dove's 'Reverse Selfie' Takes the Battle Against Unrealistic Beauty Standards into the Social Era

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IAMS Brand Introduces First-of-its-kind Mobile App to Help Bring Lost Dogs Home

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DDB Sydney Unveils Australian Red Cross’ First Brand Campaign in Almost a Decade

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What Would Planet Earth Say if It Could Speak to Us? Real-Time Campaign Gives Earth a Voice

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