Work of the Week in association withThe Immortal Awards

Work of the Week: 09/04/20

London, UK
However it’s portrayed, the message is clear that safety is paramount in these testing times, writes Natasha Patel
Right now we are living in a time like no other, where the world is united through each individual battle against coronavirus. There is now not one continent across the globe that hasn’t felt the force of the pandemic. Perhaps, this week’s Works of the Week are a testament to that and all those out there doing their part to make sure life continues as best it can. From sports brands, fast food restaurants and even furniture stores each campaign has been designed with the same message in mind: Stay home, stay safe.

In addition to the obvious messages, a number of brands have chosen to use their platforms to show the world as it is right now. NBD Dubai takes us down deserted streets, LATAM Airline shows the view from above, and in a completely different take Audi have created a four-hour slow journey through the Australian countryside. 

Nike Salutes Stay-at-Home Athletes in Fresh 'Play for the World' Push

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Campaign Paves the Way for Solidarity

McDonald's Unskippable Ad Puts Safety First With Both Hands

Audi Takes a Four Hour Slow Drive Through the Australian Countryside

FP7 McCann Dubai on Learning to Be Alone, Together

LATAM Airlines Flies 'Further, Together' in Latest Campaign

IKEA Makes Home Count in Touching Home Made Film