
Amazon Fashion - Switch up Summer (2023)

Amazon Fashion
Digital Agency
London, UK

The Challenge

Amazon Fashion wasn't front of mind for Gen Z and Millennial shoppers when it came to summer or travel wear. Jellyfish were challenged to position Amazon Fashion as the go-to destination in 2023 for summer and travel gear for Millennials and Gen Z in UK/DE/FR/IT/ES markets.

The Solution

We created an 8-week social-first campaign to inspire new and existing customers around the 2023 Summer Collection with a message of self-expression, body positivity and rejecting stereotypes, delivered through an activation that leverages innovative and platform-native formats, talent and behaviours.

We worked with our partners to recruit 13 talent in both the UK and Germany to generate authentic content and drive fan engagement.

Our campaign was broken across two creative themes:

- Glossy studio shoot lookbook

- Self-shot creator lead concept playing on the ‘what I ordered, what I got’ social trend


383 million impressions

87% over target

CPM 44% less than planned

About Jellyfish

Jellyfish is an integrated global digital marketing business. Our clients include some of the world’s most recognisable brands; Google, Netflix, Amazon, Bissell and Uber

With almost 2,000 Jellies across 38 offices worldwide, we are the unconventional global partner.

Established in 2005, Jellyfish has unparalleled expertise and certifications across Google Marketing Platforms, Google Cloud, Salesforce, Amazon, and Meta. Our love of innovation in all things digital has positioned us as the industry leader.

As a proud member of The Brandtech Group, we align ourselves with a shared mission – to redefine the boundaries of digital transformation by seamlessly integrating content,  data, and media through cutting-edge technology and Generative AI.