
TikTok - TikTok Gardens at Cannes Lions 2023

Experiential Marketing
London, UK
Agency / Creative

Built to create and share short videos, TikTok is a household name with its trends, challenges, and global creator ecosystem. TikTok Gardens: a captivating garden space that embodied the brand’s creativity and fun nature. A surprising, informative and joyful experience to showcase TikTok’s user-friendly creative solutions and edutain attendees on their products in an accessible and inclusive way. This immersive garden space, engaging activations, and meticulous execution established TikTok as a force to be reckoned with in the realm of creativity.

About Jack Morton UK

No one sets out to be average. No one aspires to be ordinary. Jack Morton is an award-winning global brand experience agency that exists to reimagine what an experience can be. We do that by pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in every format — virtual, live or hybrid. 

Through the power of experience, we create meaningful relationships between people and brands. 

But we don’t just create brand experiences. We create Experience Brands. 

Promise + Proof = Experience Brand 

We believe that great experiences drive loyalty and build advocates, but extraordinary experiences create Experience Brands. Brands that deliver proof on their promise at every touchpoint, time and time again. 

At the core of our agency is our people. Founded by a man nearly a century ago who believed that experiences move people to act, we continue to live by this notion today. We are a dedicated team of strategists, creative innovators, world-class designers, futurists, operational experts and business partners. 

Born out of smart insights and built creatively with a content-first approach, our award-winning experiences are imaginative and engaging, innovative beyond expectation, and flawlessly executed. 

Each and every day we are driven to do one thing: Be Extraordinary. 

This desire fuels our work and our culture. Because we don’t want to be ordinary. And neither do you. 

Jack Morton is part of the Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. (NYSE: IPG). More information is available at