
Microsoft Windows - Launching Windows on TikTok with Emily Zugay

Microsoft Windows
Creative Agency
New York, USA
Agency / Creative

Many of today's Gen Z consumers—who had their first experiences with computers as preteens in the 2010's—were introduced to a world shaped by Microsoft, though weren’t aware. Windows had revolutionised the way people interact with technology, yet younger generations were largely apathetic because they hadn't experienced the brand from a place of joy.

With the launch of Windows’ first operating system release in five years imminent, we saw an opportunity to change that. We would make the brand relevant to a new generation of consumers by aligning the product launch with the launch of @Windows on TikTok.

Our strategy? A multiyear partnership with content creator and “logo designer,” Emily Zugay. To get going, we first had to let Emily know that we were serious about wanting her creative touch. We set it up so that the @Windows account followed her exclusively, before activating our commenting strategy, engaging new videos with pleas for a Windows logo redesign. Our inaugural followers continued the conversation until Emily agreed. And in a moment made for TikTok, we blew up the platform, suddenly propelling Windows 11 into the cultural consciousness of a new generation. 

Once Emily gave our four- paned window-shaped logo her treatment (replacing the blue squares with...a photo of her face) and posted her satirical redesign video on TikTok, we took it a step further. We placed Emily's new Windows logo front and centre on Windows’ New York flagship storefront, and—of course—shared it on TikTok. The community went wild. And continues to do so more years later.

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Superdigital™ is an independent creative agency.

We work with brands, but we serve the internet.