Creative in association withGear Seven

Tata Pravesh Brings Attributes of Its Steel Doors to Life in 360 Campaign

Advertising Agency
Mumbai, India
Wunderman Thompson South Asia's film #AkelaHiKaafiHai tells the story of an unsuspecting consumer and a cunning salesman
What do we expect from a door? That it will be strong so it can provide adequate security to the people inside. It will be good looking, lending sophistication and status to the inhabitants. It will be durable and require minimal maintenance. With a perfect mix of beauty, strength and durability, wooden doors remain the benchmark and the preferred option.

Consumers, more often than not, do not want to venture outside their comfort zone and try a door made from a new material. Besides little awareness of doors made from materials other than wood (apart from MDF, HDPE or PVC which are used for internal doors and for doors of bathrooms and kitchens), they are skeptical about steel doors and harbour doubts about how they will look, how expensive they will be and whether they will rust.

Tata Pravesh’s objective is to drive brand awareness and subsequently, brand consideration about a new category of steel doors and windows. It is faced with the task of convincing consumers to opt for steel wall opening solutions which have unmatched strength, are fire and termite-resistant, weatherproof and maintenance-free. Tata Pravesh has the best of both - the strength of steel and the elegance of wood. The challenge was to shake the consumer out of their inertia and make them sit up and listen.

Selecting a known face, Gajraj Rao of Badhaai Ho fame, Wunderman Thompson South Asia has conceptualised a 360-degree campaign anchored by TV, supported by print, OOH, POS and digital. The film #AkelaHiKaafiHai is the story of an unsuspecting consumer and a cunning salesman. The naïve consumer - played by Gajraj Rao - looking for a door, enters a multi-brand building materials outlet. The salesman at the store immediately recognises the naivety written large across Gajraj’s face and thinks he can take him for a ride. Determined to make the most of this wonderful opportunity, he summons all his powers of persuasion to sell him an ‘A1 lakdi ka darwaza’.

Commenting on the film, P. Anand, chief, services and solutions, Tata Steel Ltd., said: “When buying a door or window for their house, consumers in India mostly consider wood. Therefore, to establish a new category of steel doors and windows, the problems with wood needed to be brought to the forefront. The new Tata Pravesh film - 'Akela Hi Kaafi Hai' with Gajraj Rao as the brand endorser, attempts to put Tata Pravesh in the consideration set of consumers by offering a one stop solution against the drawbacks of wood.”

Senthil Kumar, chief creative officer, Wunderman Thompson India, added: “Wooden doors continue to be coveted in spite of their obvious drawbacks. The film aims to break the mindset of potential Tata Pravesh consumers for whom doors = wooden doors, trying to get them to question if wood is good enough. The objective is to pique their interest enough for them to enquire about Tata Pravesh steel doors with strength of steel and elegance of wood and eventually show wood the door.”

“Being a new brand in a nascent category, it was imperative to establish the category benefits vis-à-vis wooden doors. The film clearly establishes the superiority of Tata Pravesh doors over wooden doors in an entertainingly quirky manner.” remarked Vijay Jacob Parakkal, senior VP and managing partner, Wunderman Thompson, Kolkata.

“The setting of the film and the characters had to be such that they would resonate with consumers in tier two and tier three towns - the target audience for the brand." concluded Arjun Mukherjee, ECD and VP, Wunderman Thompson, Kolkata. "Driven by excellent performances from Gajraj Rao and Saanand Verma, the film emphatically makes the point that when you are opting for a wooden door you are making a big mistake that you’ll live to regret.”

Agency / Creative
Music / Sound