Creative in association withGear Seven

Maxim Kelly Embraces '90s Rave Culture for Belief's Quirky Single 'Dreams'

Production Company
London, UK
Experimental dance project of Stella Mozgawa and Boom Bip team up with Caviar director for the video

Maxim Kelly has teamed up with Belief, the experimental dance project of Stella Mozgawa (Warpaint, Kurt Vile, Courtney Barnett) and Boom Bip, to create a highly engaging video reminiscent of the 90s rave culture to accompany their latest single ‘Dreams’.

Dreams is taken off their self-titled debut album both of which launched last week via Lex Records. “It’s been a long time coming but I’m immensely proud of the record we have made together,” says Stella. “It was a truly free and joyous process finding our collaborative voice – switching roles and chasing those limitless and strange sounds that we’re attracted to. I hope it brings people joy.”

“Dreams is a track that really stands out on the record”, says Boom Bip. “It’s mood was a happy accident while experimenting with alternative tunings on the Prophet 06 synth. Once we heard it, we didn’t want to go back. Drum machines may have no soul but when you have Stella Mozgawa tracking live hi hats an snare over one, you sure do.”

Speaking about the video, Maxim adds: “90s rave footage that I found inspired the video. People looking their worst but feeling their best and dancing the night away. There’s a sub-genre of music video which became very popular for a time. It’s just one person dancing in a pertinent space. I wanted to make my version of that video. Almost like a parody.

The decision to shoot on MiniDV was an aesthetic choice and a homage to 90s Rave footage. Early on, Arthur Loveday and I decided to imagine that we were making a music video with the best technology we had available. And work to make it look as good as possible. People today, when they shoot MiniDV, they try to make it look bad, jerky and add glitches. But the technology is still great and you can get some stunning results if you take the time and care to shoot it appropriately. And, it doesn’t hurt if you have Tom Mangham at Black Kite grading it too!”
