L'Oreal Professional Products - Transformation
Advertising Agency
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Agency / Creative
Production Service
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound


According to USA Today, Puerto Rico, a U.S Commonwealth, has the highest transgender murder rate in United States territories.

There is an unsafe environment for trans people on the Island, and the way they look during their transition process is one of the main reasons to feel harassed.

The more natural they look like the man or woman they want to be, the easier their journey is. That's why hair plays an essential part in their transition because it means safety.

But this is not as easy as cutting their hair or letting it grow. It requires a whole process of guidance and expertise to do it in the best, safe way possible.

The problem is that many hair salons are not welcoming places for trans people because hairstylists don't know how to help them with their transitions. 


L'Oreal Professional Products created "Transformation," the first network of hair salons specializing in the trans community, to give them the guidance, knowledge, and expertise they need.

We partnered with True Self Foundation, a nonprofit organization specializing in LGBT+ communities, to train, educate, and certified stylists to understand the transformation process and provide guidance and expertise.

The themes of our training classes went from introduction to trans communities (how to greet them, how to understand their needs) to best practices for hair transformations (how to take care of hair growth, hair color, hairstyles, makeup, and skincare)


L'oreal Professional Products launched the first phase of "Transformation" on March 31, International Transgender Day of Visibility,

Ten salons across Puerto Rico joined and finished our educational program. They are certified to be part of "Transformation," a safe network of hair salons specializing in the trans community. 

These hair salons are already helping trans customers, giving advice, and recommending products for their hair transition process.

More hair salons will be joining our program during the following months, with plans to extend "Transformation" to other countries soon.