Trends and Insight in association withSynapse Virtual Production

The Marketing Industry's Greatest Challenge for 2021, So Far

Asset Management, distribution and software
London, UK
Brand advertising is on course to increase this year—with ad sales in the US alone forecast to rise 6.4% to $240 billion by the end of 2021

Businesses across industries are hungry to stand out in their niche and connect with a wider audience. But, to cut through the noise, tackling their challenges head-on is vital.

Here we look at the ad industry’s most pressing problems while considering how to solve them with maximum efficiency, for maximum impact.

Pressing marketing industry challenges 

  • Transparency issues

An exploding number of marketing channels and touchpoints, compounded by the imminent loss of consumer data sources like third-party cookies, is creating a severe lack of reporting and analytical transparency for today’s marketer. Without the visibility to tell you who you’re actually reaching with your content, where it’s working and why, you can kiss goodbye to your ROI.

  • Advertising fatigue

Consumers are becoming less and less susceptible to ad content and sales messaging, particularly across digital channels where these types of communication are largely interruptive. With marketing messaging present across every conceivable channel or touchpoint, people are becoming fatigued. To connect with consumers and offer them something they will value, you need to deliver not only engaging but also tailored content at the times and places where your audience is most likely to engage is essential —and finding ways to do so is arguably the marketing industry’s biggest challenge for 2021 and beyond. 

Razor-sharp communications, a focus on innovation, particularly personalisation,, and timely delivery are the key ingredients. Complete control over your advertising assets, from creation through to deployment, is therefore vital. No exceptions.

Take control of your advertising strategy

To tackle these inherent industry challenges head-on and earn a consistent ROI for your advertising efforts across channels, you need to understand exactly where and how your assets are being used. And, to make this possible, being able to drill down into your most valuable campaign data is essential. 

A panoramic view of your marketing & ad data, allowing the analysis to reveal the insight you need to make more informed decisions while allowing more time for creativity is the real win-win.

Regardless of channel or geography, our cutting-edge tech stack will empower you to view, manage, analyse, and store all of your ad content in one place, while our team of in-house experts will ensure you get the very best visibility, control and productivity from our platform. That's the Adstream Advantage.

The first step is to find out where you are now with One Analytics. This is how Adstream can give you analysis of and insight from all your campaign performance data in one single, central set of reports, empowering you to identify and address your biggest challenges efficiently and effectively.

Work from Adstream London