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Realising Full Value from Your In-house Agency

Asset Management, distribution and software
London, UK
Adstream has seen a prolific rise of in-house agencies (IHAs) in recent years—a migration that makes sense on many levels. But it isn’t a panacea writes Oliver Forder

The IHA approach brings more autonomy: brands can take charge of their campaign assets while gaining first-hand insights into the performance of their content.

Managing the process in-house can eliminate blind spots—such as having access to all campaign performance stats versus the filtered view partners may choose to present.  However, full campaign visibility and control doesn’t happen by setting up an IHA alone—it is not a given. You have to get your processes spot on and work with the right tools.

Managing the advertising ecosystem

Advertising may be a creative discipline, but without taking a structured approach, brands simply waste time and money. Your strategy needs to include consideration of the foundations of your entire operation; structured workflows provide that essential time and space for creative development.

Many IHAs fail to understand the complexity of managing campaigns, content, and assets across a growing number of advertising channels. Moreover, the last mile of delivery is typically overlooked by new IHAs—resulting in poorly placed ads, fragmented campaign messaging, and, ultimately, a lack of promotional impact.

Ad clearance is another common roadblock for IHAs. All too often, a lack of compliance experience results in poor preparation for the specific channel in which ads are scheduled to run. Without a viable means of gaining campaign visibility and taking control of workflows, droves of ad content is rejected, resulting in budgetary waste on delays, creative amendments, and missed cross-promotional opportunities. A bad situation for any brand, regardless of niche or industry.

Reaching in-house agency maturity

To enjoy the full potential advantage from your IHA, reaching ad management maturity as quickly as possible is vital. To maximise every one of your advertising initiatives across channels, step one is gaining complete visibility, and thereafter control, of your assets on a single platform.

Step two is connecting your in-house talent with all your external partners,  to create a streamlined ecosystem that ensures successful ad creation, clearance, delivery and measurement: a level of communication and cohesion that will lead to sustainable growth in an increasingly saturated market.

Discover how Adstream can help you gain visibility, take control of your IHA’s workflow, and offer expert consultancy, from conceptualisation to delivery, by exploring our cutting-edge One Solutions service.

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