Trends and Insight in association withSynapse Virtual Production

ReMarkAble Communicatie Sees Growth by Embracing Digital Transformation

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
The Alliance of Independent Agencies works with members to understand how best to navigate the digital transformation of their agencies

The Alliance of Independent Agencies is working with its members to understand how best to navigate the digital transformation of their agencies, which is now at a critical stage as we appear to be coming out of the pandemic and seeking to ‘build back better’.

One great example that has been drawn to our attention is by Independent agency ReMarkAble Communicatie in the Netherlands. Their issue, whilst not pandemic related, was that they were struggling with the balancing act of needing to streamline the number of client opportunities they reached out to whilst at the same time increasing pipeline leads to help their existing clients grow. They found that many of their Clients were relying on outdated methods and struggling to reach their ideal customers. Therefore, they recognised that digital solutions could address these issues to support their clients whilst it being the key to moving them forward in their own digital transformation.

As part of this digital transformation programme the agency partnered with SharpSpring as their sales and marketing automation partner. This had a direct impact on driving sales growth. ReMarkAble’s growth was achieved by tracking all the data it generated and automating the distribution of marketing campaign materials..

The full case study can be viewed here

So when it came to increasing revenue, SharpSpring was deemed as the ideal digital partner as it has been developed with marketing agencies in mind. It now has over 2,000 agencies around the globe using its platform to not only to support their growth, like ReMarkAble Communicatie, but the growth of their clients too. 

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