Creative in association withGear Seven

Ocean, Public Health England And 23Red Make Strides To Get Adults Walking

Out of Home
London, UK
Boots offers Shapers Meal Deal in return for a 10-minute brisk stroll

Public Health England (PHE) and 23red are harnessing the power of Ocean’s full motion city centre Wi-Fi enabled screens, to improve the nation’s health and wellbeing by encouraging adults to take daily brisk 10 minute walks.

The initiative, part of PHE’s integrated One You Physical Activity campaign, was a winner in Ocean’s annual creative digital competition which sets out to foster bold new ideas in digital out of home.

The activity, created by 23red, broke on September 6 across four large format Ocean screens in Leeds, Newcastle, Manchester and Birmingham. The campaign uses the lunch hour to offer adult shoppers and workers a free Boots Shapers Meal Deal, in return for a 10-minute brisk walk.

To access their free Boots Shapers Meal Deal, people are challenged to walk from the Ocean screens to the participating Boots store nearby. They download the free One You branded WebApp via their mobile phone at the screen, which then allows them to find the route to a participating Boots store where they can redeem their voucher - but only if they make it there in 10 minutes.

Each full motion screen will share pictures of participants using the #Active10 hashtag.

Sean Kinmont, creative director at 23red said: “We are thrilled to see this campaign brought to life and support PHE in working towards a healthier nation. We wanted to create something simple that would really incentivise the public to get involved. By giving people a ‘call to action’, they are much more inclined to fully engage with the initiative and make a positive change to their lifestyle.” 

Helen Hampton, director of partnerships at Public Health England said:  “Active 10 is here to encourage people to take small steps towards exercising more. 23red have really captured the essence of the initiative that 10 minutes of brisk walking can easily fit into a lunch break and being more active doesn’t need to mean wearing lycra or investing in an expensive membership. This is also a fantastic example of working with the right partners to bring a ten-minute walk to life.”

The campaign appeared in Birmingham New Street and The Screen @Trinity Leeds and the following day at The Printworks, Manchester and The Monument, Newcastle.  The activation is supported by teaser adverts across neighbouring Ocean locations.

Ocean head of marketing Helen Haines said: “Active 10 was an Ocean competition winner because it encourages adults to be more active, it’s localised and it engages with individuals, reflecting the active role large format digital out of home plays at a community level.”  

Entries for Ocean’s 2017 digital creative competition closed on September 8 and the winners are announced on October 5 in London.

Active 10 has been developed by Public Health England in collaboration with The University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University and the National Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine. It incorporates behaviour change principles to help make brisk walking a daily habit.

Agency / Creative