
Nike - Lionesses

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Agency / Creative

Our team created a series of inclusive fan-focused fan events in NikeTown London. These experiences were designed to make a space for, inspire and excite new and existing football fans, outside the typically male-dominated football culture. This featured inclusive fan screenings, football skill activities and a pop-up tournament stand giving fans access to unique and exclusive merchandise and an opening night party with live Q&A with the players.

A new kind of fan experience for a new kind of fan. The next generation of young female football fans feel seen and included in a celebration of the game they love, with Nike aligning themselves as an ally for a whole new audience, enabling the game to grow and progress in new, exciting ways.

About 160over90 UK
At 160over90, we redefine what you expect from a creative agency. Led by experts from across the marketing landscape, our foundation is built on more than a century of cultural leadership. We know where audiences are turning their time and attention next, and every strategic idea is made to meet them there.

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