
Superdrug - Superdrug in-store experiences

Branding and Marketing Agency
Stockport, UK

Superdrug wanted to engage a younger, more fashion-forward audience: an audience that would come in-store to glam-up and experiment.


Affordable beauty has long been part of the core Superdrug proposition, so extending it to affordable beauty services was a logical step. Hence, the introduction of a unique high-end retail beauty concept which was to be premiered in Cardiff, prior to a potential nationwide roll out. The principle was beautifully simple. What was required was an equally beautiful, game-changing approach that would introduce a whole new audience to the idea of ‘glam-while you-wait’.


We created dedicated brands for the beauty and hair salons which would integrate stylishly into a store environment and provide a platform for a glamorous launch campaign: and so Beauty Studio and Hair Space were born.

The launch had to satisfy two key criteria: create a social buzz and engagement at a local level and generate excitement at a national level among the target demographic and key influencers (e.g. beauty bloggers).


The creative theme represented a mix of 1950s retro glam and pop art: candy-coloured and fun. Shareable real-time digital content featured on in-store displays and interactive/mirrored screens – connecting the salon with the online world of dedicated followers of fashion and beauty.

Together we worked on delivering:

  • Point of sale – artwork production and delivery for the new store
  • Logistics and fulfilment – sourcing of materials
  • Systems and support – provided a digital screen delivery system that deploys real-time content, as well as the technical support.

All of the photography and artwork for in-store and launch comms were designed and produced by our creative team, along with all of the necessary digital content and animations, an in-store catwalk and a selfie app enabling customers to take a pic or video of themselves strutting their stuff and share it instantly.

About APS Group

Supporting brands to talk to their customers, bringing together marketing, technology, and print experts as well as creative, digital, and film professionals. 

Together, we make more possible.