
FD | Who follows. Leads.

Brand Strategy & Communications Agency
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Who follows, leads.

Today’s leaders don’t just follow the latest financial news, but also want to know what is happening in the world of tech and (pop) culture. They follow investment tycoon Warren Buffet, Beyoncé and what is going on in Bangalore, India’s IT capital. That is why ‘Who follows, leads’ is the theme of FD’s new campaign, which features a wide range of phenomena taken from today’s news cycle. FD is the leading financial/business newspaper of the Netherlands.

About Dawn

We're an independent strategydesign, and campaigning company.

In a changing world, it's important to have a mission-driven brand. We help you with that. Because at dawn we believe that mission-driven organisations can positively impact society and the world around them, while at the same time growing their business. It’s our passion and our job to help them do that. By putting their mission and our imagination at the core of everything we do.

To help brands transform their impact.
To move people.
To make friends.
To build better futures.
We call it ‘forward branding’.

Dawn x BCorp

What do companies like Patagonia, Dawn, Danone, Triodos Bank and WeTransfer have in common? We’re all part of the growing community of B Corps. Certified B Corps are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit. They are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, community and the environment. Practice what you preach. This means we carefully check who we work for and with and how our work can have a positive social and environmental impact.