

Production Company
Tokyo, Japan

Five minutes in the dead of night, a different glimpse of Japan’s dark side.
“I don’t know what to do if I’m alive tomorrow.”
A 911 call comes in one night.
Must we live, even when confronted with a violent tomorrow
Is there any other choice for us than to simply accept the tomorrow that will come?  Writer/director Jo Motoyo wanted to depict the “tomorrow” that nobody can escape. We always talk of “tomorrow” as if it is full of hope and light. But sometimes in reality, tomorrow can bring about violence. Either way, time only runs forward.

TOKYO is a creatively driven production powerhouse backed by a diverse and international team of world-class creatives, based in Harajuku, the heart of Tokyo.

Multidisciplinary is our motto. We scour Japan and the world for flexible creatives at the top of their game. This includes directors, cinematographers, colorists, editors and many others whose roles defy description.


TOKYO lives and breathes variety. Our people defy convention and our work is often hard to categorise. We blur the lines between real-world interactive experiences, TV commercials, music videos and web movies.


Talent is people. Here at TOKYO, we never forget that. We help those people to sharpen their edge and then pair them up with projects that they can work their creative magic on. This means our staff are just as likely to be working on a cutting-edge passion project as they are to be adding a fresh twist to a more mainstream campaign.


TOKYO has a balance of youth and wisdom. Although TOKYO has been on the scene for five years, we are able to draw on fifty years of industry experience via our parent company Taiyo Kikaku. This has allowed us to rack up numerous awards across the creative spectrum, both at home and internationally.