

Production Company
London, UK
Barclays - Premier League - Love is Tough
About Pulse Films

Established in 2005 by Thomas Benski and Marisa Clifford, our founding goal was to have a fluid approach to production, with all four of our award winning departments, TV, Music, Film, and Advertising, working together.

Our flexible production process and our passion for collaboration make Pulse a one-stop shop, where good ideas can cross pollinate between departments and grow to become genre busting, multi platform pieces of content.
Whether it's a film, a music video, a TV series, a commercial or a fully integrated brand campaign, we hand pick the best and most relevant talent for the job from all four departments.That is what makes Pulse Films stand apart from the rest. By having a bespoke production team on each project we can take care of all the moving parts at once.
You won't find a digital department at Pulse, rather, we have digital specialists within each of our departments. Digital is such an important and integral part of everything we do that we choose not to keep it separate and silo'ed, but integrated, woven through the entire company's DNA.
You'll find examples of our award winning work on this site, but more importantly, you'll find our people. A diverse range of directors, writers and producers, with rich portfolios which cover advertising, music video, motion graphics, photography, fashion, long and short form documentary, and feature length cinema.