Casumo welcomes you to an alternative Great Britain, where it’s less about cream teas and good manners, and more about pulling faces and throwing your breakfast as far as possible.
What people do in their spare time is their own business. Except Casumo are a little nosey, especially when it comes to the nation’s more unusual pastimes. They have a penchant for the obscure, so armed with a handful of the UK’s favourite comedians, Kitty and Casumo set out to discover the country’s most absurd sports. Be it bog snorkelling, egg throwing, or gurning – together we’ve created an investigative online series so those with a curious mind need not get muddy (or have any teeth removed).
5.3% increase in brand searches in just seven weeks
8.1M impressions to date achieved
3m 48s average time spent on site
1 feature on BBC 5 live