
Gall & Gall CocktailMaker

Advertising Agency
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gall & Gall is for more then 130 years the most accessible liquor specialist store in the Netherlands with more then 600 stores. With the Gall & Gall CocktailMaker people can select a single ingredient, like for example a liquor that has been standing in the back of their cabinet for ages, and in a couple of steps with the help of a playful interface end up with a cocktail-recipe that fits their taste. All the 180 cocktail-recipes have been assembled by specialists and influencers like Tess Posthumus, the best bartender of the Netherlands and many others. A nice 360 degree campaign which informed consumers within Gall&Gall's own channels like magazine, shop floor and digital touchpoint.
About code d'azur

code d'azur is a creative agency with a strong digital DNA and roots in digital production. We create digital campaigns but also focus on services and products. We believe brands get noticed by understanding what drives their customers. They stand out with sustainable ideas that add value to the lives of people. Standing out requires top notch creativity. Fitting in requires clear strategic insights and leading-edge technical knowledge. That is why at code d'azur we merge Creativity, Strategy and Technology.