
Banco Pichincha - UNFORGETTABLE WOMEN: Reconstructing the forgotten milestones of trailblazing Ecuadorian women

Banco Pichincha
Advertising Agency
Quito, Ecuador
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX

Women have always been trailblazers throughout history. Then why do so many of them seem to have been forgotten by history, especially in Ecuador?

Banco Pichincha, the only Latin American company recognized by the World Economic Forum for its efforts to close the gender gap, brought the forgotten milestones of Ecuadorian women to life, using artificial intelligence to shine a light on their pivotal role in the country's development.

With the help of historians, we curated data from thousands of historical documents to accurately feed an Artificial Intelligence and create true-to-life representations of the lost stories of Ecuadorian women like Matilde Hidalgo, Juana Miranda, Hermelinda Urvina, Dolores Sucre, Emilia Rivadeneira, Brígida Salas, and María de Lourdes Jaramillo, whose contributions have been a fundamental part of our country's social, cultural, and political development.

Marco Tapia, General Creative Director of Mullenlowe Delta, states: “The work that Banco Pichincha is doing to close the gender gap is impressive. This led us to think of different ideas that could add to this goal, and in that search, we found something remarkable. Besides having specialized credits, mentoring, and gender bonds, we needed to inspire a new generation of women and girls, and for that, we had to look back at all the women of the past".

Carlos Mora, Marketing Manager of People Baking, adds: "Banco Pichincha, in its firm commitment to closing the gender gap in the Latin American banking sector, embraces with conviction the inclusion and full participation of women in all areas. More than simply seeking gender equity, we are dedicated to creating an environment where talent and diversity flourish. That is why, on this occasion, we want to pay a well-deserved tribute to Ecuadorian women who, with their effort, have marked milestones in history, highlighting their valuable contribution and dedication".

This initiative is now a permanent part of Banco Pichincha's equality gender program, "Ser Impulso Mujer." It has helped thousands of Ecuadorian women year after year, with more than 89,000 women benefiting from gender-social bonds. It has also supported over 415,000 female entrepreneurs and facilitated the inclusion of more than 53,000 women in the financial system. These numbers reflect the scale and success of our commitment to women's empowerment and gender equality.

The hope is that this initiative will perpetuate the legacy of trailblazing women and inspire a new generation of women and girls to change history and someday close the gender gap.

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