
Team GB - Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix

Team GB
Production Company
London, UK
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound

‘The Journey’ is a four-part human-interest docuseries that brings fans inside the lives of four Team GB athletes in the run up to the biggest sporting event in the world – The Paris 2024 Summer Olympics: everyday people, living and working among us, achieving extraordinary things.

For this project, Team GB and mobility partner Toyota wanted to put athletes and their stories at the heart of the narrative in their ‘journey’ to the Games, underpinned by a common theme of ‘resilience’ – something that feels particularly relevant today.

Chrome gained full access to the athletes and their lives, following them during training, physio appointments and home life. Each film was led by the athlete, telling their story authentically to create a personal connection with the audience.

Episode 3 Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix

Andrea described to us how it felt when she started on the senior dive circuit at just 13 years old: “I was a little scrawny kid, no meat on me, and I was throwing myself off 10 metres like the adults. Nothing is expected of you when you’re the underdog, it was like a superpower.”

Now aged 19, diver Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix is already a Team GB Olympian with high hopes for Paris 2024 – however, it’s the journey, not just the destination, that she relishes. This is her story.

About Chrome Productions

Adventurous by nature, passionately creative, and constantly seeking the road less travelled, Chrome is a production company built for today's high-end content demands. Our ambition, energy, and relentless pursuit of excellence see us continually producing award-winning work for our clients, creating news-worthy buzz, and having a great time along the way.