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Worldwide Partners Welcomes New Independent Agency Partner Consciously to the Network

Advertising Agency
Denver, USA
Consciously builds purpose-driven, inclusive marketing platforms that help companies nourish their business ecosystemhir

Worldwide Partners is excited to welcome another new partner to the global network of independent agencies, Consciously.  Consciously builds purpose-driven, inclusive marketing platforms that help companies nourish their business ecosystem. Consciously is headquartered in Montclair, NJ, with branch offices in New York, Chicago, Oakland and Sacramento.

Consciously is a Certified B Corp, honored as such for their verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose, and the first 100% Black-owned business to receive this status. 

A key aspect that helps them act in integrity with their values and the intent of the company’s vision is their use of The Consciously Method™, a proprietary approach for putting stakeholder marketing into practice for brands. “The world is moving toward stakeholder capitalism, where customers, communities and employees matter too, not just profits,” says Rai-mon Nemar Barnes, Founder of Consciously. Yet, all too often, there’s a gap between the values of the stakeholders and all other groups. The Consciously Method™ aims to bridge this chasm, connecting company values to value, and turning missed connections into deep connections. “We’re keenly aware of how actions--or lack of them--will affect all the stakeholders involved. That’s why we help companies make this needed transformation so they can become or remain relevant in this new economy,” Barnes added. 

Consciously understands the through line between connecting purpose-driven business, marketing strategy and campaign execution, ensuring that it’s equitable and fuels growth at every step. They accomplish this through four key services: 1. Developing a holistic strategy that focuses on business goals and long term impact; 2. Articulating and codifying a brand’s identity to empower vendors, employees and other stakeholders to own the brand on their terms; 3. Publishing content in digital and physical spaces to encourage authentic connection and build bridges to communicate shared values; and 4. Using distribution channels to deepen existing relationships and ease introductions to values-based relationships. 

The indie agency has already benefited from collaboration within the WPI network. Consciously worked with Seattle-based Hydrogen Advertising on the recent “We’re Open” campaign for Planned Parenthood. The integrated brand campaign reframed misperceptions that exist about the breadth of Planned Parenthood’s services, and invited young adults to experience their inclusive, non-judgmental sexual healthcare.

Consciously was introduced to Worldwide Partners last year, when Barnes was a panelist at our SWRV 2020 Virtual Summit. Barnes, along with Will Campbell, CEO of Quantasy + Associates, spoke with Nancy Hill about the need for advancing DEI both within the agency and with clients. At the time, Barnes noted how the current environment was spurring more purpose-driven and stakeholder efforts. “As a marketer, this particular time is exciting,” said Barnes. “There are people who have been led through the civil unrest and pandemic by brands. Brands have a great deal of power right now.” A year later, with both social issues and the pandemic continuing, this sentiment has never been more true.

Learn more about the new WPI partner agency Consciously and connect with them on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

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