As the Christmas ad frenzy begins to slow down, half of our favourite campaigns of the past week are of a festive persuasion
We’re not even into December yet and it seems as though the Christmas ad onslaught is beginning to cool down from a coming-at-all-angles raging boil to a soothing simmer. Nevertheless, half of our favourite campaigns of the past week are indeed of a Christmassy nature. Two really do pull on the heartstrings, which is little to be surprised about at this time, but they do it well and ways rarely seen before. The other is of a different, more poignant nature, highlighting the issue of harassment at Christmas work parties. Outside of the festive season there’s a harrowing, must-see film for RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), Oscar the Grouch stars as a modern artist for Squarespace, and Mars sneakily puts Bounty bars into Snickers packaging. Huge props to all involved in the making of the below.