Work of the Week in association withThe Immortal Awards

Work of the Week: 03/06/22

London, UK
Francois Rousselet and Heineken are taking aim at work-life balance issues in one of this week’s standout campaigns, writes LBB’s Addison Capper

Heineken has come up with a product that's dubbing 'The Closer', an outlandish high-tech bottle opener that apparently shuts all work applications when a bottle of Heineken is opened with it. It's a cheeky bit of commentary on rising issues around work-life balance, but the two-minute supporting film from Francois Rousselet is big, bold and far-reaching in a way that we happily expect from the director. 

Other standouts this week include a the launch of a new cannabis brand that's highlights how abhorrent it is that people are in prison in the US for possession of something that is now legal, IKEA turning Toronto homes into out-of-home ads, and an amusing French spot featuring clean-shaving testicles going on an adventure. 

Check out the campaigns in full below. 

Heineken Confronts Growing Work Life Imbalance with Global Campaign 'The Closer'

With mounting societal pressure to be constantly busy, rapid adoption of new work technology and a global pandemic forcing a complete overhaul of where and when work gets done, workers have increased their average working day by 2.5 hours, according to NordVPN Teams. Heineken is addressing this in a fun new spot from Publicis Italy and DIVISION's Francois Rousselet and a new product called The Closer, an outlandish high-tech bottle opener that apparently shuts all work applications when a bottle of Heineken is opened with it. 

Innovative Cannabis Brand 'Freedom Grams' Empowers Consumers to Liberate Cannabis Prisoners

'Freedom Grams' is a new cannabis brand that comes in packages of 0.3, 3.5, 8.7, 18.0, and 23.5-grams — the exact amounts of cannabis for which others in the U.S. are currently incarcerated. Creative is by Serviceplan Group for its longstanding client AROYA, and all proceeds will go to Last Prisoner Project, a nonprofit dedicated to fighting for the release of cannabis prisoners through legal and legislative intervention. 

People of Obsession Find Peace in Samsung South Korea’s BESPOKE Refrigerator Ad

This Samsung spot from Cheil Worldwide and director Hyounhaing Lee is selling the brand's new 'BESPOKE' refrigerator range. It's a bit off the wall, demonstrating how the product can cater to even the most obsessive of needs and some form of meme culture without being annoying. 

IKEA Canada Introduces Toronto Downtown Store with Inspired Real Life Windows

IKEA just opened a store in Downtown Toronto. To promote this, the brand and its agency Rethink transformed real Toronto homes into showroom displays. Windows of real homes, reflecting real lives, became out-of-home ads. Neat.

Clean-Shaven Testicles Head on an Adventure in BETC Paris' Spot for Veet Men

Hair removal brand Veet has just launched a bold new innovation: the Veet Men Intimate Hair Removal Kit. To bring this product to life, BETC Paris has imagined a bold, metaphorical and exhilarating adventure, featuring a pair of balls (re)discovering a brand-new world of pure sensations. Great stuff.

New Zealand’s Fairest Telco 2degrees Gives Babies Bonuses

Kiwi telecommunications company 2degrees has worked with TBWA\NZ, to celebrate the next generation of their company following its merger with Vocus NZ in a truly novel way - by giving baby bonuses to the next generation of Kiwis born on 1 June 2022. The initiative aims to give some New Zealand families a head start in creating their own fairer future, a gesture that aligns beautifully with 2degrees’ purpose of Fighting for Fair.