Creative in association withGear Seven
Group745 Is Inviting You to the Greatest Show on Earth

The six-month-long event in Dubai will offer millions of visitors the opportunity to visit 192 nation pavilions

American rapper, producer and creative innovator is the voice of Expo 2020 Dubai’s new roll call of milestone moments, celebrating the incredible history of human achievement and anticipating the accomplishments yet to come across the fields of art, music, fashion, science and more.

The ‘Be There’ film, which suggests how Expo 2020 plans to add to this impressive global lineage with the attractions that await visitors to the event, is a fast-paced cinematic montage that recounts numerous invention milestones in history, such as the discovery of gravity, the construction of the pyramids and mastering aircraft flight.

You can check out the film below:

Active in 29 markets and 14 languages, the film declares that although you weren’t there for those pioneering moments, you can ‘Be There’ to witness the next wave of human brilliance when Expo 2020 Dubai opens its doors on October 20 2020.

An Arabic version has also premiered, voiced by Emirati performer Hussain Al Jassmi, who earlier this month was announced as an Expo 2020 Dubai Ambassador.

Najeeb Mohammed Al-Ali, Executive-Director, Expo 2020 Dubai Bureau, said: “The film embodies the spirit of human determination and ingenuity that has brought us to where we are today, and the inventions and innovations that will shape the future. It is exactly the emotion and optimistic feeling that we are looking to achieve at Expo 2020 Dubai – to ignite and inspire the world, come 20 October 2020.

“We’re excited to share more insight into what visitors can expect when they come to Expo 2020 Dubai. We want to encourage people from around the world to come to learn, discover, and be inspired by how collaboration and an innovative spirit is helping to make the world a better place, one global goal at a time.”

The first World Expo hosted in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region, Expo 2020 Dubai is being held in a city founded on optimism for the future, and is pegged as the World’s Greatest Show of human brilliance, under the theme ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’.

The six-month-long event will offer millions of visitors the opportunity to visit 192 nation pavilions and learn about different traditions, cultures, and accomplishments, while exploring real-life solutions to current global challenges in the subthemes of Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability.

On an endless journey of discovery through interactive exhibitions, live shows and entertainment, engaging discussions, and educational forums, visitors will be challenged and motivated to become change-makers, and be part of creating a sustainable future for generations to come. Expo 2020 expects to attract 25 million visits, and anticipates welcoming 70 per cent of those from outside the UAE, a new record for World Expos.

“Expo 2020 is without a doubt one of the most important events in the history of the UAE, and it is a real honour for us to be the creative partner behind its advertising. We’ve worked seamlessly with our Expo partners to launch the second major creative campaign that so effortlessly tells the story and vision of Expo 2020 to the world,” said Patou Nuytemans, Chief Executive, Memac Ogilvy.

“With just a year to go until the opening ceremony, these campaigns become ever more important to the fabric of Expo 2020 and the legacy it will leave, and we are excited to share this one with the world.” 

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Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound