Trends and Insight in association withSynapse Virtual Production

Why Should an Advertiser Really Care About Mobile Advertising?

InMobi Co-founder, VP of Global Sales & MD EMEA, Abhay Singhal

#3 – The boom in the smartphone business

Nearly one in every five people on this planet possesses a smartphone. A major consequence of this mobile revolution is that the smartphone has become central to everything we do. However, rather predictably, advertising is currently lagging behind user adoption. For example, consumers are spending 12 per cent of their time on mobile devices while advertising represents less than 2 per cent of overall spends. Clearly, there is immense room for growth, and with consumers choosing to connect with brands via mobile as well as purchasing products through their mobile devices, it is paramount that advertisers find ways to utilise to this medium.

#2 – It’s where all the action is!

Advertising agencies and brands are aware that a crucial segment of their target population – teens and young adults - exist only within the mobile bubble. 2013 was when social messaging apps started making their presence felt across the world: leading social messaging apps such as WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, KakaoTalk, and Viber have more than 2 billion registered users between them and these users are now even conducting commerce transactions within these apps. Advertisers need to clearly evolve a strategy for engaging consumers on these platforms.

#1 – To keep things fresh and relevant

As with any evolving medium, the mobile advertising space is swept up with disruptive innovations almost every six months. Given how personal the device is, the focus should be on the user experience. One of the biggest mistakes that advertisers make is to consider mobile a smaller version of the television or PC screen, asking their creative teams to reduce the size of a given ad creative to make it work. Clearly they are not exploiting the medium enough since TVs and PCs are not touch sensitive, never go into a consumer’s pocket and certainly are never as close to the eyes of a consumer as mobile devices are.

We believe that the best format for mobile advertising is the one that blends into the publisher environment and is extremely sensitive to user context and their needs. InMobi has launched the platform to enable exactly that, and we call it the true launch of native advertising.

#0 – Step into a world where math and creative storytelling are soulmates

Marketers will finally find a way to measure everything – impressions, downloads, interaction time, consumer preference, purchase intent and even historical action. This big-data led advertising approach will successfully loop together the creative genius that leverages the haptic interface of the medium with pure mathematical modelling.

So in conclusion, the mobile marketing world is buzzing with life. It’s a party like no other simply because it’s interactive, personal and always on. If for no other reason, every advertiser should be here simply to grab a lungful of fresh air, refresh and recharge themselves so they can power through the next few non-mobile ad campaigns.