Behind the Work in association withThe Immortal Awards

Why Renault Is Encouraging Drivers to Not Use a Car

Advertising Agency
Paris, France
Publicis Conseil’s ECD Marcelo Vergara on the first-of-its-kind car campaign that asks people to only use their vehicles when it’s necessary, writes LBB’s Nisna Mahtani

Conscious of the environment and aware of the ecological impact of motoring vehicles, car company Renault partnered with Publicis Conseil to deliver their clever take on a car ad. ‘Use It Wisely’ is the slogan that advertises the new Renault Captur E-Tech hybrid, a car that’s there when you need it yet ready to be stationary when there’s an alternative.
In the campaign, we see families, friends and individuals almost use their beloved cars, only to favour other modes of transport when they can, firmly putting sustainability first. Set to a cover of Shania Twain's ‘You're Still the One’ sung by Okay Kaya, what’s clear is everyone's affection for their car, yet the ability to distinguish when it’s necessary to use them and when there are clear alternatives. This is “the first time that a car manufacturer has invited users to favour sobriety in addition to the technological solution,” according to Renault. 
To talk about the campaign’s creation, Publicis Conseil’s executive creative director Marcelo Vergara speaks to LBB’s Nisna Mahtani.


LBB> A car campaign that encourages people to use their car less frequently. How did this idea initially come up?

Marcelo> This idea arrived when the client said the autonomy of this Renault Hybrid is bigger than you expect. We instantly thought people can drive more, do more, use their car much more, which was exactly at this moment when we said that’s not a good message from Renault, so we said exactly the opposite. 

LBB> How does this campaign fit in with Renault’s brand and why does the message work so well?

Marcelo> The Renault brand is about a passion for people’s life and we only respected their legacy with modern and relevant execution, that’s why the message works really well.

LBB> Where did you shoot this campaign and how long did it take from start to finish to complete?

Marcelo> It took kind of six months, and we shot in Uruguay.

LBB> How did you create a feeling of tension throughout the spot?  

Marcelo> The tension is there in our everyday life, you are in a hurry to take the car, kids prefer the car to go to school instead of going walking, it’s raining. Your car is there waiting for you. We portray various situations where you could easily decide to use a car and finally, everyone decides not to take it.

LBB> Can you tell us about how you achieved cohesion with each shot and where the inspiration for your styling came from?

Marcelo> It wasn’t the easiest task to represent modern people but in real life, rather than in fashion week. Basic needs in daily life - that was all we wanted to showcase.

LBB> How did you land on Shania Twain's ‘You're Still the One’ as the soundtrack to the campaign?

Marcelo> That was the director, Natanaël Ericsson’s proposal and we thought it was perfect for this idea.

LBB> Did you face any challenges during the editing process and can you talk us through them?

Marcelo> The challenge was to make the message clear for each time that you have the choice. Even if you love your car a lot.

LBB> What has the response to the campaign been like and have there been any particularly memorable reactions that you’ve seen/heard?

Marcelo> An unusual quantity of friends, clients and other people that work in advertising sent messages and that was really cool for us.