Creative in association withGear Seven

Which Brands Had You Fooled on April 1?

Check out our round up of advertiser antics from April Fool’s Day

Fetch by Fetch: Dog Perfume

Unleash your inner bitch with a new perfume made for dogs. Cut grass and notes of poo – the ideal thing for the pampered pooch who has everything. This prank was dreamt up by Canadian ad dude Geoffrey Roche for canine-loving website

Hailo’s New Piggyback Service

Taxi app Hailo is trying to gain a march on arch-rival Uber with the launch of its new piggyback service. I would totally pay for that. For realsies.

BMW Mouthguard

BMW lend their engineering know-how to beleaguered England rugby player Chris Robshaw to design hi-tech mouth guards in this spoof. Wut?

Everyone Loves Brian

Price comparison website has become the biggest toy manufacturer in Wales, allegedly, following the popularity of their mascot Brian. We suspect agency Publicis London might have had something to do with this video…

Domino’s Driverless Delivery

Iris Worldwide borrows a trick from Amazon and one from Google to create a sneak peek into the next big thing in pizzas. And you thought Domino’s real-time tracker was futuristic…

The Coalition Mini Cooper

Election campaign season kicked off this week and, rather appropriately, Iris Worldwide managed to combine this fact with April Fool’s Day silliness for Mini Cooper.

AccessPR’s (Twin) Sister Agency

Sydney-based Access PR reckons they've circumnavigated the problem of client conflicts with ‘Ditto’, their new sister agency staffed entirely by twins of people already working at Access. 


Leo Burnett Chicago and Esurance are going after paranoid motorists with a new product that alerts users about nasty prangs before they even happen.

Pawculus Rift

Puns and dogs – two of our favourite things. US studio Cramer reckons that the next big thing in innovation is virtual reality for dogs – and we’re so on board with that.

Churchill: The Movie

WCRS reckons the iconic advertising mascot for insurance brand Churchill could be the perfect subject for a big screen biopic, according to this prank movie poster.

Glow-in-the-dark Cat Hat

Fans of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’s brand of feline innovation (kitten mittons!) will appreciate this effort from BBDO New York and Lowe’s.

Darude Tube

Well, we’re not sure that this counts as a ‘prank’ as such – it’s more of an exercise in extreme silliness. Youtube has revealed a ‘Darude’ feature that allows you to overlay 1999 ‘classic’ dance track Sandstorm over any video. Well, at least the Finnish producer will be laughing all the way to the bank.