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WHEXT Presents Line-up and Judges for 2021 Edition

Held in a hybrid model on December 2nd and 3rd at the new Galleria42 studio, the event reveals the content and judges of the 4th edition

With a campaign developed by Leo Burnett Tailor Made, APRO and FilmBrazil announce the line-up of the 2021 edition of WHEXT. In order to analyse the current scenario, but without failing to bring up the discussion about the future of audio visual advertising production, the festival will take place on December 2nd and 3rd, with online transmission produced by ClapMe. The 4th edition of the event has the support of Spcine - the São Paulo cinema and audio visual company, an initiative of the São Paulo City Hall focused on the development of the cinema, TV, games and new media sectors -, the British Government, APA, Oncare Saúde, Affinité Seguros, Seguradora EZZE, SINDCINE and AT FIve Gin.

For the first day, on December 2nd, WHEXT brings something new: the WHEXT CONNECTION, a business round focused on promoting exchange between Brazil and the United Kingdom, which will have a delegation composed of Brazilian and British companies. “The United Kingdom is a long-time partner of WHEXT. In addition to being an important commercial partner - today it represents 10% of our total export volume, which last year was US$ 27.5 million -, the UK is also an important partner in the technical qualification of our companies and professionals, as it has an audio visual industry that is reference in several areas” says Marianna Souza, president of APRO, executive manager of FilmBrazil and head of WHEXT.

The curatorship developed by APRO had the partnership of Janaina Augustin, Eliza Flores and José Saad Neto (from GoAd). The event is unmissable. Once again, we brought necessary discussions for the moment, such as ESG; Diversity and Inclusion; Entertainment and Games for the production universe, with national and international speakers to discuss about the current scenario and the future of audio visual advertising production. We had a pleasant surprise last year with the reach of our content, surpassing the mark of 15 thousand views. We hope that all participants enjoy it a lot!”, says Marianna.

Among the highlights of the WHEXT 2021 program, there are participants such as Kim Farrell - director of marketing LATAM – TIKTOK; Sergio Lopez: Sergio Lopez - chief production officer UK, Europe, Middle East & Africa - McCANN Worldgroup; Steffen Gentis - global production director · MCA / Reckitt; Maria Lúcia Antônio - head storytelling and content para Stellantiss; Pete Beck - global head of Sync - BELIEVE – UK; Sarah Buchwitz - VP marketing - Mastercard and Ana Carolina Querino - ONU Mulheres.


In addition to the line-up, WHEXT also announces the judges for the 2021 edition of WHEXT AWARDS, as well as the finalists in the direction/executive production/audio production categories.

During October, the associated production companies of APRO and FilmBrazil indicated the professionals who stood out in each of the 9 technical categories.

A jury composed of national and international professionals, as Fabiano Beraldo (senior integrated producer at Ogilvy Singapore), Felipe Silva (partner and creative director at GANA), André 'Dedé' Laurentino (CCO at Ogilvy UK), Vinicius Malinoski (marketing director, Films at Netflix), André Kassu (partner at CP+B Brasil), Ducha Lopes (partner and integrated production director at Galeria), Patricia Gaglioni (RTV director at Africa), Stephania Silveira (creative director at Facebook Reality Labs), Mauricio Granado (senior producer lead at Wieden+Kennedy Portland), Erick Stossel (VP, creative director at Neon an IPG Health Network Company), Renata Leão (director of executive creation at David) and Marcia Esteves (CEO & partner at Lew'Lara\TBWA), president of the jury and responsible, together with the rest of the group, for defining the winners of WHEXT 2021.

The finalists in the direction/executive production/audio production categories of this edition are:


  • Vellas – Saigon Filmes
  • Alaska (Gustavo Moraes e Marco Lafer) - Iconoclast
  • Ian Ruschel - Iconoclast
  • Gabriel e Quemuel - Iconoclast

Executive Production

  • Francesco Civita e Henrique Danieletto - Iconoclast
  • Marcelo Altschuler - Saigon Filmes
  • Egisto Betti, Gabi Hahn e Luiz Arnesto - Paranoid

Audio Production

  • Roberto Coelho, Kito Siqueira e Hurso Ambrifi - Satélite Audio
  • James Feeler - Jamute
  • Felipe Vassão e Gustavo Garbato - Loud+

The award, under the artistic direction of Georgia Guerra-Peixe (Joca), will take place in person at Galleria42, a space that is part of the studio complex, 42Estudio, will also feature a pocket show by the brazilian singer & songwriter - Tulipa Ruiz - and we will have a themed bar in partnership with AT Five Gin.

Check out the line-up below:

DAY 12/02

  • 10h00 - 12h00 WHEXT CONNECTION - Brazil x UK

First business round in partnership with APA.

  • 14h00 Insurance Workshop powered by Ezze and Affinité

Participants: Ricardo Minc (Managing Partner - Affinité Seguros) | Anderson Jacinto da Conceição (Managing Partner - Ezze Seguros)

DAY 12/03

  • Games - building narratives with brands

Hour: 10h00 - 10h40

Participants: Carlos Estigarribia (Head of Country Management - LOCKWOOD PUBLISHING) | Rick Lousa - VP of New Business - BBL

  • Why the Future of Production is Strategic – Little Black Book panel

Hour: 11h00 - 12h00

Participants: Steffen Gentis (Global Production Director - MCA / Reckitt Germany) | Sergio Lopez (EVP, Global Head of Production UK)

  • Music For Advertising - creative process and all possibilities of adding value to the productions through the tracks.

Hour: 12h00 - 12h30

Participants: Pete Beck (Global Head of Sync - BELIEVE UK) | Wilson Brown (Executive Creative Director & Partner – ANTFOOD US) | Kito Siqueira (Partner & Executive Producer)

  • New ways of Digital Content - Power of Narratives and Content in Connecting Brands and Consumers

Hour: 14h00 - 14h30

Participants: Gustavo Gripe (CEO and Director - SANTA TRANSMEDIA) | João Pedro Paes Leme (Co-Founder - PLAY9) | Felipe Simi (SOKO) | Kim Farrell (Director of Marketing LATAM - TIKTOK)

  • Empowerment, Representativeness and Transformation - Promoting the inclusion of underrepresented talents in the Audiovisual Market

Hour: 14h40 - 15h20

Participants: Alberto Pereira Jr. (Head of Production and Content - TRACE BRASIL) | Bruna Barbosa (DAFB - Women's Photography Directors Collective) | Felipe Silva (CEO - GANA) | Brendo Garcia (Director - LANDIA)

  • Regenerative Economy - How is ESG impacting the communication & entertainment market?

Hour: 15h30 - 16h00

Participants: Claudia Leite (CPO - HILO) | Rachel de Oliveira Sampaio de Andrade - Founding Partner- PLATTA INVESTIMENTOS

  • Pandemic Legacy: Vaccination & New Production Models

Hour: 16h10 - 17h00

Participants: Rafael Fortes (O2 FILMES) | Dr. Ricardo Pacheco (CEO - Oncare Saúde) | Ingid Raszl (General Director - STINK FILMS) | Gabi Hahn (Executive Producer - PARANOID)

  • UN Women presents “Alliance without stereotypes” – promoting gender equality and eliminating stereotypes in audiovisual content.

Hour: 17h10 - 18h00

Participants: Mariana Youssef (Managing Partner - ATR FILMS) | Ana Carolina Querino (Program Specialist - UN Women) | Isabel Aquino (Technical Consultant - Alliance without stereotypes - UN Women) | Sarah Buchwitz - VP Marketing - Mastercard

  • What to expect from 2022? A chat with the Brands - perspectives from advertisers on the opportunities and challenges for the future.

Hour: 18h10 - 18h40

Participants: José Saad Neto (Head of Insights - GoAd Media) | Maria Lúcia Antônio, Head Storytelling and Content para Stellantis

  • Award with pocket show of Tulipa Ruiz

Hour: 20h00 - 21h00

Work from
SD Version
Fine Watch Club Video Case Study
Nothing Quite Like It
Sydney Opera House
Fireaway Pizza Video
LBB’s Global Sponsor