We understand that these are very worrying times indeed. However we want to reassure you all that we are doing everything we possibly can to keep productions moving here at SNK whilst minimising any health risk to our team and our clients.
We're therefore implementing detailed and wide ranging business continuity plans and we continue to adapt these on a daily basis. Currently our main Studios facility on Tottenham Court Road remains open and fully operational, and we're doing everything we possibly can to keep it that way.
In addition to this, members of the Bookings team and some of the engineers are working from home - with remote access to any secure content that will remain on site - affording us flexibility, in light of the rapidly changing situation. We also have partnership arrangements with other audio facilities in London should we need to leverage other resource.
We are following all the UK Government advice as it comes through, limiting face to face meetings and adhering to strict building and staff hygiene policies.
In short, we will be working hard to keep productions moving, whilst staying safe.
If you have any questions, or to discuss any of these alternate arrangements, contact us at bookings@snkstudios.co.uk or call +44 207 387 0050