The sixth installment in Florence + the Machine’s music video series for The Odyssey has been released. Park Pictures director Vincent Haycock wraps up the epic visual campaign with “Delilah,” a dramatic six-minute short chronicling Florence confronting her demons in a spooky motel in Los Angeles.
“The Odyssey” is a series of films that covers six tracks in the album. The videos were released one-by-one throughout 2015, with 'Delilah' serving as the finale.
The Biblically-influenced video – yes, the title is a reference to the tale of Samson and Delilah – follows Florence as she makes her way through the various rooms of a strange motel. From cutting her lover’s hair a la Samson, to experiencing a bout of sleep paralysis as a goblin sits on her chest and contemplates strangling her, to coming face-to-face with a Florence clone, the artful film is rife with raw emotion and elegant choreography.
Haycock directed all six chapters from 'The Odyssey' series, 'Delilah,' 'Queen of Peace,' 'Long and Lost,' 'St. Jude,' 'What Kind of Man' and “Ship to Wreck.