Creative in association withGear Seven

VCCPme Makes These Drivers' Days with Kia Petrol Station Stunt

Advertising Agency
London, UK
'£2.80 reaction' stunt gives petrol station customers a lovely surprise

Kia Motors UK Ltd recently teamed up with VCCPme to pull off an interactive stunt to promote the new Kia Soul EV – Kia’s first fully electric car – emphasising Kia’s ability to deliver the “Power to Surprise.”

Customers of a small independent petrol station in north London were delighted to discover, on ringing up their costly petrol purchase, they were charged only £2.80 – the cost of a full charge of the Kia Soul EV.

Go-Pro cameras were hidden around the station to capture the customers’ “£2.80 reaction”, while an actor playing the cashier explained why they were receiving the discount and the difference that ‘going electric’ can make. 

Soon cars were queuing up down the street with drivers eager to get their £2.80 tank of fuel.

The stunt supports today’s launch of an online hub packed full of information on the Kia Soul EV. One of the main elements of the hub is The Soul EV Challenge – an app that makes the benefits of driving a Soul EV clearer than ever.

By entering a start location, destination and their model of car, users will be able to see how far £2.80 of petrol takes them in their current model – and how far the same amount will take them in a Kia Soul EV. 

The campaign will also run on social media, in a competition called “The £2.80 TWITTERGRAM” - encouraging users to post a photo of everyday items that cost £2.80 with #KIA2POUND80 for the chance to win a free tank of petrol.

The campaign launches on Tuesday 2 December and encompasses online advertising, social media, direct marketing and the online hub.

Agency / Creative