People in association withLBB Pro

Unexpected Intros: Marianna Eboli

Advertising Agency
Chicago, USA
DDB's global social media manager on her very first job and why Always 'Run Like A Girl inspires her

At DDB, we have a simple belief. That Unexpected Works. It means that the best idea is the one you never saw coming. The thing that catches you so off guard that you can‘t look away. And the only path to genuinely unexpected works is through creativity. 

And in order to create awesome works, you need awesome people. Because you can’t make the unexpected if you only work with the usual suspects. In this Unexpected Intros series, we take a peek behind the curtain at some of the diverse thinkers that make up our network, and validate Bill Bernbach’s notion that an idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it. 

1. Name, Title, Office

Marianna Eboli, global social media manager, DDB Worldwide – but I sit in the DDB Chicago office!

2. Introduce yourself in three emojis.

🇧🇷 👩🎨 💅

3. What was your very first job?

My first job after Uni was at the United States Senate. I actually have a degree in Diplomacy and Government Studies so I graduated on a Tuesday and on Friday I was driving across states to start my job in DC. It was an incredible experience, especially as a foreigner in the US. I got to learn so much about politics, legislation, elections… It was absolutely the best and I am forever grateful for getting that opportunity. 

4. How did you wind up in advertising?

By chance! I was a Press Associate for a Senator and one day I asked my boss if I could take a crack at helping rebrand the Senator’s Twitter account. From there I fell in love with all the ways social media can help us bridge communications barriers. As much as I loved my time in Government I wanted creativity to be at the centre of my career and I knew an agency would be a place I could immerse myself. I would be remiss not to mention that my mom is in advertising so I didn’t come into the industry blind. I had many role models who helped me find what path was best for me and helped me get to where I am now.  

5. Piece of creative that inspires you?

The Always 'Run like a girl' Super Bowl ad. Imposter syndrome is real. It takes over my thoughts and that ad has the perfect message to remind me that those thoughts aren’t really mine.

6. What are you currently reading, watching, and listening to?

Reading: The Midnight Library. I cannot recommend it enough. It is a journey I want to go on over and over again.

Watching: Taskmaster. It is creativity and comedy gold. 

Listening: I love Brazilian music because it reminds me of home. So you can always find me listening to Marilia Mendonca and DUDA BEAT.

7. What’s a goal/hope/dream of yours?

I’ll give you one of each!

My biggest goal in life is to one day be able to make a living out of selling my art (shameless plug, find me on Instagram Meboli_Creations). 

I hope I never lose the wonder to be inspired every day by the world around us, and I dream of going to space one day. 🚀
