People in association withLBB Pro

Unexpected Intros: Christine Lane

Advertising Agency
New York, USA
DDB North America's head of innovation and experience on being caring, witty and getting shit done

At DDB, we have a simple belief. That Unexpected Works. It means that the best idea is the one you never saw coming. The thing that catches you so off guard that you can‘t look away. And the only path to genuinely unexpected works is through creativity. 

And in order to create awesome works, you need awesome people. Because you can’t make the unexpected if you only work with the usual suspects. In this Unexpected Intros series, we take a peek behind the curtain at some of the diverse thinkers that make up our network, and validate Bill Bernbach’s notion that an idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it. 

1. Name, Title, Office

Christine Lane, head of innovation and experience, North America

2. Introduce yourself in three emojis.

This is me hearing the creative idea for the first time then making it happen.


3. Home? 

Valhalla, NY. A place where, according to Norse mythology, those who die in combat travel to. Now that I think of it, this may explain all the old cemeteries in town… 

4. Personality?

Caring. Witty. Gets shit done. 

5. Current Project?  

I’m taking inspiration from how the original ale brewing profession was principally performed by women who figured out how to make an income by brewing ale to feed their families and selling the extra. Would love to help more women return to the industry they originally trailblazed. 

6. What one word has been used to describe you?

Magic. It doesn’t feel like magic when you’re buried in the details making it work, but when it feels like magic to those who see it, it makes every ounce of stress and effort worth it. 

7. How do you define an ideal project?

Working with 2-3 subject matter experts that are crazy good at what they do so that every day I’m learning something new. Bringing something new into the world. Building something that is a manifestation of people’s wants and desires that they didn’t know how to articulate. Also, adequate timelines and budgets. 

8. How did you wind up in advertising? 

I had a friend who asked if I wanted to come to New York after graduation and work with her. Best decision I ever made. 

9. What are you currently reading? 

I keep Creative Acts for Curious People by Sarah Stein Greenberg of the Stanford on my desk. It’s an interesting compilation of ways to approach messy problems. I’m also reading Death & Co’s Welcome Home cocktail book because I like to add a new cocktail into the repertoire every so often. And finally, I just started The Master and Margarita, a novel by a Ukrainian writer written in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. 

10. Guilty pleasure?

I’m currently watching episodes of the X Files. It’s refreshing to have the story end in a single episode and not have to commit to an entire season, even though I’ve now seen multiple. Also, I want to believe.

11. What’s featured prominently in your home office?

A lightbulb I made with a custom filament in the shape of the female symbol. I was prototyping them in China in the second half of 2019 until the factory had to shut down because of an illness going around…

12. As a kid, what’s something you wanted when you grew up?

When I was six, I pointed to a building and told my mom that’s where I wanted to live when I grew up (it was a hotel). Fast forward to 2018 when I bought a house with more bedrooms than I need in order to host as many friends and family and possible. Turns out, six-year-old dreams can come true. 

13. Favourite quote?

To the impassioned will, nothing is impossible. 

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