In Ukraine, the last month has been hard. Some words are undoubtful for each Ukrainian. War. Bombardments. Devastation.
Day after day we see it all with our own eyes. We don’t have space for calling things other than by their names.
However, when you are far from the epicentre of the combat zone, the idea of horror drops down with every kilometre. Everything seems not so disastrous. Exaggerated. Add some hesitation, some diplomacy on top, and as a result you get statements like 'Conflict in Ukraine' or 'Ukrainian Crisis'. Some are still not sure which side of history they want to be associated with. Others try to avoid the unpleasant word 'War'. This downplays the seriousness of the situation and might have extremely dangerous consequences.
The Call War War project was created to counteract double wording and erase doubts. There is war in Ukraine. Unfortunately, it is as it is. And there's no way to escape it.
The campaign was created by the Leo Burnett and Performics teams from Ukraine.