Creative in association withGear Seven

"This Could Be You”

New Workplace Safety and Health TV Commercial by Grey Singapore

Grey Singapore has collaborated with the Workplace Safety Council Singapore (WSH) to develop a new public education campaign. This campaign aims to change mindsets about safety issues at the workplace, to help employees and employers realise the importance of workplace safety. A 30-second TVC drives home the message “This Could Be You” and will run on local free-to-air channels, cable TV and in cinemas from May to July. 

The campaign’s message “This Could Be You” drives home the fact that work accidents can happen to anyone, especially if they take safety for granted and neglect safety practices. The TVC reinforces this with statistics: Every day, 30 people are injured at work and every week, one dies.

The television commercial shows a construction worker slipping on a rod while working on the top floor of a building under construction. It depicts the dangers of poor housekeeping and poorly erected barricades at work sites. The worker fell from height to his death – underscoring the importance of preventing fatal falls which is the top killer in workplaces. 

As he falls in slow motion down several storeys of an almost-completed building, the voiceover states how this victim could be anyone – a father of two, a newly-wed, or someone’s son. More importantly, the victim could be the viewer themselves; if they choose to ignore workplace safety practices. The grim ending is a stark reminder for viewers, and the end of the TVC puts forth simply, “Stop the assumptions. Stop work accidents.”


In his speech1 at the launch of the National WSH Campaign 2013 on 20 May, Mr Lee Tzu Yang, Chairman of Workplace Safety and Health Council, highlighted the significance of the message: “This year, we have personalised the campaign message further with the phrase “This could be you”. Falling from height – “This could be you, if you ignore safety practices.” Struck by a moving vehicle – “This could be you, if you ignore safety practices.” We hope that anyone who thinks that accidents will not happen to him or her will think again, and consciously take the precautions that help to manage and mitigate the risk.”
Ali Shabaz, Chief Creative Officer, Grey Group, Singapore Thailand and Indonesia says: “We sought to communicate that workplace accidents can happen to anyone, especially if they chose to ignore workplace safety practices. The depiction of a very real scenario aims to serve as a reminder to people that ‘This Could Be You’, and to stop the assumptions that it will never happen to them because that’s what leads to most accidents.” 

The TVC is scheduled to run on national TV and cinemas until July 2013.  

Agency Credits 
Agency: Grey Singapore
Account Service: Penelope Wetherill/Michelle Tan

CCO: Ali Shabaz
Senior Art Director: Deng Ying Zhi
Copywriter: Mok Wen Kai
Broadcast Producer: Sandra Ong

Production Credits
Production House: KTV 
Director: Desmond Tan 
Post Production: VHQ Singapore
Audio Production: Songzu Singapore