Awards and Events in association withCreative Circle

The&Partnership Awards Two Creative Placements at Girls on Tour's Brilliant Breakfast

Advertising Agency
London, UK
In partnership with The Prince’s Trust, The Brilliant Breakfast is a fundraising initiative centred around women supporting women

In October, The&Partnership launched the Brilliant Breakfast in partnership with The Prince’s Trust. The Brilliant Breakfast was a fundraising initiative centred around women supporting women – women were to host virtual breakfast meetings with other women who inspired them, to raise money for The Prince’s Trust. Young women in particular are one of the many hugely affected groups by the Covid pandemic, with women half as likely to reach out to The Prince’s Trust for help. The Brilliant Breakfast was to raise awareness of this, and to raise funds to help disadvantaged young women.

Back in 2018 The&Partnership launched Girls on Tour. After reading an article by Kathryne Ellis, the female creatives at T&P realised that there was a problem that The&Partnership could help solve. Whilst the numbers of girls on creative courses was really strong (up to 60%), the number of girls in creative departments was around 30%. One of the reasons for this was that girls on creative courses were barely seeing female creative role models. Female creatives weren’t coming to speak at their unis, and they weren’t hearing about them enough in the industry media. Based on the insight of ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’, Girls on Tour was set up to provide visibility of female creatives. Since then, the Girls on Tour team, has toured up and down the country visiting universities and colleges, speaking honestly and frankly about their experiences as creatives, what makes advertising a fantastic industry to work in, providing book crits and 1:1 sessions, and helping advise creative graduates on their next career steps. 

When the Brilliant Breakfast kicked off, the Girls on Tour team decided to hold their own – and to set a Prince’s Trust brief for graduate creative teams to work on. The winning team would then be offered a month’s paid creative placement at T&P. Knowing that numerous graduates are struggling to find jobs in the current economic climate, Girls on Tour reached out to their network of universities and graduates to ask them to get involved. Over 80 budding creatives attended the breakfast and The&Partnership presented the winning responses to the brief directly to The Prince’s Trust client team. The&Partnership are proud to announce that they have since hired two brilliant placement teams, starting immediately in the creative departments. 

Yan Elliot, joint ECD at The & Partnership said: “We had a fantastic response from all the students. The quality of their ideas was so good we ended up rewarding two teams with a placement giving them both an opportunity they wouldn’t normally have had”

The&Partnership are delighted to welcome Lara Hallam and Hannah Rendell graduates from University of Lincoln and Joe Williams and Alex Goddard who met through The Watford course.