Behind the Work in association withThe Immortal Awards

The Story Behind Andreas Nilsson's Trip to Flavortown

London, UK
The Biscuit Filmworks director talks to LBB's Addison Capper about working with Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives’ Guy Fieri for UberEats

OK, I have a confession to make. I love Guy Fieri. And I love Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, the long-running TV show in which he drives around the US in a Chevy Camaro to chow down on endless, sloppy, deep fried foods in a way that I would like to never be caught doing on camera. But when I come home from work and my brain is fried and all I want to do is not concentrate, Triple-D is my go-to. I love food TV, I love diner fare and I love the US. 

And I love Guy. He gets a bit of a bad rep for being an all-round bonehead. And, to be honest, he is a bit. He's 51 years old and has bleach blonde hair spiked with wet look gel like I used to do when I was 10. He bleaches his questionable goatee beard to match his hair but only the middle bit. He wears awful shirts. I mean the man wears his sunglasses on the BACK OF HIS HEAD. 

But underneath all that is a sweet man. He presided over 101 same-sex marriages in honour of his late sister, who was a lesbian. He went out of his way to feed firefighters during the worst wildfires to hit California

Anyway, I digress! But when I saw that Andreas Nilsson - one of my absolute favourite directors - had helmed an UberEats ad with Guy playing a character unrecognisable as himself in DDD, I got kinda excited. So, I asked Andreas a few questions about his voyage to Flavortown and the experience of working with Guy. 

LBB> I'm a bit of a Guy Fieri nerd. I watch Diners, Drive Ins and Dives probably too much. What was your perception of Guy prior to this job? Did you have any experience with what he did? 

Andreas> I did not know about him but was invited to his world of class and elegance through this job. It was quite a lesson in the refined culinary arts. I saw this clip and felt a strong urge to meet this man.

LBB> Why was the script like from the agency and why was it something you were keen to get involved in?

Andreas> It happened quite fast and the script was just written when we signed on. They had already done a couple of films with ‘Randy’. He is played by a great stand-up guy named Robert Powell III. Lovely guy with great timing and improv skills.

LBB> How was Guy to work with from a directorial standpoint? How did you coax that Queen's English accent and all-round aura of elegance out of him? 

Andreas> Non-actor celebs can have a tendency to play comedy parts pretty big and hammy. So to avoid that we had a hypnotist that put Guy into trance to believe that he was Prince Charles. He left set before the hypnotist had a chance to break the spell. I believe he still thinks he is Prince Charles.

LBB> Was the idea for the panflute something from the agency or you? 

Andreas> The idea was Jorge´s. He works in catering. 

LBB> What was the casting process like for Randy? He's a very important cog in the midst of all the attention on Guy. 

Andreas> He was already assigned to the part. He is ”Uber Randy” and I’m sure he will show up again. But if you like him you should YouTube Robert Powell III´s standup. He is great. 

LBB> Guy gets a bit of a bad rep publicly, probably because of his general eating habits and questionable choice of sunglasses and haircuts. But he seems like a top dude really - he fed people affected by the wildfires in California, for example! What is the man really like?  

Andreas> He is a straight-shooter. He loves Metallica and food. And he seems to have a good heart. And has hair to die for.

LBB> And, most importantly, what is Flavortown really like?  

Andreas> Quite moist.