Imagine the ability to pause the world for just one moment at the click of a button and observe what people in different countries are doing at the same time. In the framework of the global photo contest "The Montblanc Worldsecond" (, the maker of luxury watches Montblanc have made this possible – with the aid of an unusual app for iPhone and Android.
The app lets all iPhone or Android users worldwide capture their personal snapshots. Making the project especially unique is the app's central countdown function that ensures all participating smartphones will capture the very same "Worldsecond" worldwide. When the countdown ends, participants need only have their device ready and start the app before choosing the moment of their life to eternalize in a photo. In this way, images of the same second all around the world arecaptured – the "Worldsecond". The app will capture 60 different moments in total between 1 November and 31 December 2012.
All the snapshots of each individual second are uploaded to the campaign site Here, users can browse photos, create galleries featuring favorite images, and share the joy of discovering both the beautiful moments captured and Montblanc's Swiss-made watches with friends via Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest or mail. To reach people worldwide, the app has been adapted for various markets: In China, "Sina Weibo" is the central social media platform for "The Montblanc Worldsecond".
In early 2013, Montblanc will reward the winners of the photo contest with valuable prizes.
The idea and conception for "The Montblanc Worldsecond" were created by the digital design agency demodern together with the Hamburg Montblanc office. In addition, the Cologne-based digital wizards from demodern developed the app for iPhone and Android and are responsible for realizing the campaign site and a version for iPad.