Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have lately become hot topics in both tech and mainstream media. Usually, such technology is considered “evil” and used without permission to hijack people’s processing power. However, the non-profit organization Make a Change, which works for preventing all kinds of bullying among children and adults, saw incredible potential for a more charitable usage.
It resulted in, a website that streamed a digital fireplace just in time for Christmas. By watching the fireplace, visitors mined cryptocurrency for charity and spread real warmth to people who suffer, without having to spend a penny.
"Our digitalised society is both good and bad. One of our big missions is to prevent cyberbullying. This campaign allows us to work with the “bad” side of the internet and make something good out of it, says Christian Nordenström, founder of Make a Change.
The website was developed together with creative agency NORD DDB and could use 10% of the processing power from website visitors’ computers, mining cryptocurrency that could be donated to the development of the app Fight Back. In the app, children can reach out to Make a Change if they suffer from bullying and get the support they so desperately need.
"People have gathered around fireplaces for centuries. We think that this feeling of community and collaboration is key when we want to make real change. The more someone watches, the more money can be collected for the victims of bullying", says Christian Nordenström.
What was thought to have remained live until January 13th earlier this year has continued, endured the harsh winter and remained strong for those in need of help. On average people have spent 1 hour and 10 minutes on the website and the fire keeps burning. It is never too late to start helping people in need.