Light-hearted film plays with pretentious performance art to highlight wheelchair accessibility
There are currently 12 million people affected by disability in France, which is around 20% of the population. However, a mere 25% of all establishments across the country are set up to be accessible to persons with disabilities, severely limiting their access to educational, cultural and economic opportunities.
To promote this new online platform, Jaccede and TBWA\Paris created a humorous, light-hearted film to help society see people with mobility limitations from a different perspective, which launched on International Day of Persons with Disabilities this past weekend (December 3rd, 2017).
No tears, no discrimination, no difficulty. Unlike traditional PSAs, the spot touches on the humour and self-deprecation common to all humans, disabled or not. The film showcases those affected by disability like any other ordinary citizen who should have access to the same things everyone else does, even the worst things.