Thought Leaders in association withPartners in Crime

Stay Fascinated

Advertising Agency
Indianapolis, USA
The Basement's director of strategic communications, Beth Clayton, on finding the right agency partner to address your business needs

Finding the right agency partner to address your business needs is challenging. That’s why you’re here, right? Whether your current partner isn’t getting the job done, or you’re looking to engage with an agency for the first time, the search can be a daunting one, a confusing rabbithole of buzzwords and flashy creative that does little to illuminate the true ethos of any shop.

Any agency partner can stumble into great work once in a while. What’s that saying about even a broken clock being right twice a day? 

But the fact is, few brands can rest on their laurels for long, and few agencies have the chops to produce consistently strong results. 

That’s where The Basement is different. And it’s not just because we’re stacked with ambitious, talented professionals–though that’s true, too–but because our curiosity in our clients and their unique needs is never satisfied. 

To create great work again, and again, and again requires not just a fleeting burst of inspiration, a desire for one-time success or taking information at face value, but a continual drive to stay fascinated always. It’s fascination that allowed us to generate a 73x return on investment for a SaaS client, and grow another client’s organic social media following by 25% in just three months.

We define fascination as the magical alchemy that occurs when attention intersects with retention, creating a necessary tension that ultimately leads to a fresh perspective.

It is curiosity on repeat. 

It is engaging in a dialogue that asks the hard questions, absorbing the answers, and asking again until the root of the challenge is clear. 

It is understanding and implementing best practices, while also intuiting when it's time to tell those best practices to eff all the way off. It’s a combination of gut, grit and great work that you won’t find anywhere else.

So know that when you choose to work with us, we’re going to ask a lot of questions. And you may get really tired of it. Heck, you may think they’re dumb questions. But that’s a risk we’re willing to take because we have a genuine interest in understanding you and your needs, and unearthing truths that create great work.

You aren’t coming to us because you want to run an ad. You’re coming to us because you have a business problem that needs to be solved. And that’s where we start. 

The requirement of all dwellers at The Basement to stay fascinated is not a command, but a challenge. An invitation to the relentless pursuit of levelling up.

We hope you’ll join us.

Work from The Basement