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See It, Be It 2024: Michelle Marais

London, UK
The senior conceptual copywriter at Dentsu Creative South Africa shares more about the women who continue to inspire her and why she stives to march to the beat of her own drum
With a background in architecture, Dentsu Creative South Africa's senior conceptual copywriter, Michelle Marais, had an unconventional start to her advertising career. Since embarking on her journey in adland, she's found inspiration not only in her family members and the strong women who have come before her, but also through the day-to-day connections she makes with other women in the industry. 

She says, "Being a creative is hard. Being a female creative is harder. Don’t go at it alone," as she encourages women in the industry to connect with the people around them, champion creative work and incite change within the industry. Here's what else she had to say:

See it 

Tell us about a woman who has inspired you in your career. 

Oh, the list is long. 

Mischief’s ECD Bianca Guimaraes. Humble approach. Bold Creative. 

My AD, Caro, with her “more is more” motto. 

My mom, Heleen, who lives her life paying it forward. 

Ultramarathon runner, Courtney Dauwalter, who embraces difficulty because “it grows capacity to endure”. 

My best friend, Letitia, who is brave enough to take risks, and smart enough to pivot when they don’t pay off. 

And author Margaret Atwood who uses her voice to portray women the way they are: equal to men. 

Be it 

How have you incorporated the lessons and insights you gained from women in your life and in creative/professional fields into how you approach life and your career. 

There is no one way to do something. Start over, start late, start scared. Just start. Most, if not all the women I’ve listed march to the beat of their own drum. I strive to do that, too. 

With a background in architecture, I’m a non-traditional hire. An unconventional fit for the industry. It allows me to bring a fresh perspective to the table and motivates me to create a seat at that table for more women from varied backgrounds. 

Do It 

How does that translate into the work? Tell us about some of the campaigns you've been involved in that you're really proud of. What challenges did you overcome to bring them to life? 

I love what I do. Creativity has the power to solve problems but moreover, it has the power to change lives. 

A campaign that did just that was Trophy Stout’s ‘Reclaim Your DNA’. I had the opportunity to collaborate with Dentsu Creative South Africa on the project before I officially joined the agency.

The bulk of Nigeria’s greatest artistic treasures are held by western museums. Reclaim Your DNA reconnected locals with their stolen heritage by turning every can of lager into an interactive experience that placed the artefacts in their hands and on their heads. 

Allowing our West African neighbours to reclaim part of their history was a powerful thing. And one that I’m very proud to have been part of. 

Share it 

What messages or words of advice do you have for the next generation of women coming into the industry? And tell us about anything that you do to support and lift up women in the industry.

Being a creative is hard. Being a female creative is harder. Don’t go at it alone. Connect with others – mentors, allies, me! – and draw from their experiences. Together, we can enact change. Our time is now. 

'See It Be It' is a LIONS initiative aiming to achieve equal gender representation among creative directors and leaders across the global industry. The programme is open to all women, trans-identifying and non-binary people. For any enquiries, please get in touch at

Further information on applying for See It Be It 2025 can be found here.

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