Creative in association withGear Seven

Remembering the Holocaust with New Spots from March of the Living

Advertising Agency
Buenos Aires, Argentina
With the new campaign by Lungo Films and Geometry Argentina for March of the Living, comes two clever shorts that tap into your subconscious
‘The Present Past’ campaign will be presented by Lungo Films and Geometry Argentina for March of The Living Argentina, within the framework of the Holocaust Remembrance Day, which this year is commemorated on 21st April.

77 years have passed since the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and 75 years since the end of World War II. Despite the passage of time, people remain committed to the memory and to the fight against prejudice, discrimination, intolerance and hatred. 

Karina Aiello, CEO of Geometry Argentina, said: “It is important for us to collaborate and accompany from our humble place. Today more than ever we must fight for a common future, without discrimination and without intolerance. Not forgetting this disastrous part of history allows us to learn to finally end acts of hate. The current context tells us more than ever that we must be better people if we want a better world and not forgetting the past is the best way to avoid repeating it in the future."

March Of The Living is an annual educational program that brings together people from all over the world in Poland and Israel to study the history of the Holocaust and examine the roots of prejudice, bigotry and hatred. Since its founding in 1988, two main objectives have been pursued: Combating rampant anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial; and allow Holocaust survivors to tell their stories, where it happened. Since its inception, more than 260,000 students and adults from 52 countries participated, including Argentina.

Tony Waissman, CCO of Geometry Argentina, added: “It fills my soul that the agency collaborated on a topic like this, so hard, difficult and crude. Being aware of what happened and not forgetting is a job that we should do every day, everyone. Today we are in the midst of a pandemic, where thousands are dying from a virus, but we must not forget that at that time millions died because of the decision of a crazy few. I hope that this campaign serves at least so that all who see it, remember and become aware of this heinous genocide.

Javier Altholz from Lungo Films said: “At Lungo we set out to help open communication on such a far-reaching issue, beyond the Jewish community. The goal was to speak to everyone. Alejandra Tolachier, director of March Of The Living Argentina, spoke on this matter: “The universal objective of our educational program is to inspire young people to fight against indifference, racism and injustice by witnessing the atrocities of the Shoah from the extermination camps. (Holocaust). We take responsibility for educating by showing the horrors committed by Nazism. Taking dimension of their eagerness to strip men, women, boys and girls of their human condition is essential to encourage others to build a fairer society and a better world”
Agency / Creative
Post Production / VFX
Music / Sound
Work from VML Argentina
Sharenting, the Musical
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