In the launch of its new brand platform, is celebrating the special moments when Australians find their 'place'. The brand platform was created in conjunction with BWM Dentsu Melbourne, FINCH and Mindshare.
Launched in advance of the property market's peak Spring season, the new brand platform will also guide's brand extension through lifestyle and content development.
Says Kieren Cooney, chief marketing officer, "Our brand needs to work on multiple levels - resonating with the emotion of buying and selling property, while Screen Shot 2017-09-04 at 8.58.01 am.jpgalso being able to be very direct and clear about the rational aspects.
"As a business, we deal in emotion. Where people decide to live, work or invest their money are some of the biggest decisions they make - loaded with our hopes and dreams.
"'This is the place' is the phrase so many of us have uttered in that moment when we've found the perfect home after months of looking.
"But clearly there are some simple things you can do to make the experience of buying, selling or renting a place as easy and successful as possible.
"When you're selling your home, you want the most amount of people to see it; when looking for a place to live, you want to make sure you haven't missed any places. And the facts are is by far and away the best positioned to help people with this.
"We have twice the visits of our nearest competitor - both online and on app. Over a million people come to us every day as a place they can trust to help them on their property journey. And they love the experience once they get here, spending over eight times longer with us than our competitors."
Says Belinda Murray, managing director, BWM Dentsu: "We value our long-standing relationship with REA Group and what we have created together with 'this is the place'.
"The platform came out of a very Australian desire for a sense of place - achieving that wonderful moment of discovery when you find your 'place' on"
Agency: BWM Dentsu, Melbourne
Production Company: FINCH
Director: Nic Finlayson
Producer: Cath Anderson
Post Production: Editor Michael Lutman - the Butchery / Eugene Richards - The Refinery
Music Composition: Electric Dreams
Sound Design: Paul Le Couteur - Flagstaff Studio