Telefónica has awarded the global tender for a media agency to Publicis Group for the next five years, after a process of analysis and evaluation over the last five months, in which the 16 countries that Telefónica Group will apply the contract to all took part.
The tender was launched as part of the company’s transparency policy, under which they periodically revise the suitability of their suppliers and collaborators. On this occasion, Telefónica’s goal was to find the best partner to apply a global solution for the whole Group, with all the related cost saving and profitability from the investment.
On the technical side, the Company valued the digital positioning of the applications, in line with Telefónica’s transformation project to become a genuine digital Telco leader in the market.
With this goal in mind, Telefónica called six global agencies, four of which took part in the tender (Dentsu, Havas, Publicis and WPP). All of them made innovative proposals and a special effort in the process.
More specifically, the tender took into account the strength of the agencies in all the markets the company operates in, their implication therein in relation to their work with the competition, the technical proposal in global and local exercises and the profitability of the offers. Publicis Group, which already collaborates in the United Kingdom, Germany and countries in Latin America, obtained the maximum number of points, and from next year will thus be the Global Agency to channel Telefónica’s investment in the media.
Up to 1 January, when the contract with Publicis comes into force, Telefónica will keep on working with Arena (Grupo Havas) and MindShare (Grupo WPP) in Spain and Argentina respectively. These agencies have shown professional capacity and a good performance in these countries and Telefónica is grateful for all their effort and professionalism.