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Publicis Conseil Drive Donations for FXB

Advertising Agency
Paris, France
Agency battles downturn with poignant print campaign

 Publicis Conseil has launched a new print campaign for the François-Xavier Bagnoud Association.

The association bears the name of François-Xavier Bagnoud, a helicopter pilot specialised in rescue operations, which were his passion and drive. He passed away in 1986, aged 24, on a helicopter-borne mission in Mali. In 1989, his mother Albina du Boisrouvray, his family and friends, founded the François-Xavier Bagnoud association in order to continue, in the field of development, the rescue missions which he carried out, and preserve the guiding values of his life: generosity and compassion.

Active in 13 countries, through its “François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB)-village Model” community development programmes, the  FXB association works to pull families out of extreme poverty, helping them gain access to their fundamental rights and attain sustainable economic autonomy in order to raise their children with dignity. FXB offers global and simultaneous three-year-long support to participating families. This includes food safety, health, education, water and sanitation, accommodation, financial and professional training, legal support, psychosocial services, as well as the financing to start a micro business. 28 FXB-villages are currently underway. An external assessment showed that 86% of beneficiaries are still living above the poverty line four years after the end of a programme.

Due to the economic downturn, people are donating less and less. The aim of this campaign is to remind people that, even with a tiny share of our expenses, we can contribute to the development of an educational, social or food-related project, or any other type of project, and help a child, a family or a village. The aim is to raise awareness by encouraging people to make a donation, however small it may be.

This campaign, comprising three visuals and published in more than 60 regional newspapers, symbolically shows that a small share of our daily expenses is enough to help finance a humanitarian project.

Credits Paris 
New campaign FXB Association 
FXB Association : 
Laure Delouvrier – Communication Manager 
Publicis Conseil : 
CCO : Olivier Altmann 
Creative Directors : Gérald Schmite, Nicolas Schmitt 
Copywriters : Sergio Alonso, Sebastian Piacentini 
Art Directors : Sebastian Piacentini, Sergio Alonso 
Account Manager : Thomas Marion 
Print Production : 
Photographer : Philippe Martineau 
Media Plan : Presse