Following a critically-acclaimed inaugural series of Body Language short films, BBC Three commissioned LA filmmaker Sindha Agha to direct another series, which launches on the channel’s YouTube on 18th April with a the first of four shorts exploring attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Using the films as a canvas to bring emotional and physical pain to life, the new series of Body Language uses a vibrant mix of painting, photography, collage and stop motion to illustrate individual experiences of ADHD, depression, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Across the four episodes, the series hears from a young woman struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder after sexual assault, a woman who was wrongly diagnosed and medicated for bipolar throughout the majority of her childhood and early adult life, a woman so in the grips of body dysmorphic disorder that she felt she had to quarantine herself indoors for the benefit of other people, and a young man trying to navigate his education under the shadow of depression.
Sindha Agha commented: “We’ve grooved pathways in our public discourse for talking about mental health without risking social acceptance. These kinds of comfortable conversations leave us feeling unseen, unheard and even further isolated. This series abandons that generic, familiar language about mental health in favour of conversations that are far more unapologetic and truthful. Each subject tells stories they’ve never shared publicly before, offering up both their tears and laughter with an unprecedented level of candour.”
Full Credits
Client: BBC Three
Production Company: PRETTYBIRD
Head of Social, BBC Three: Navi Lamba
Commissioning Editor, Short Form: Nasfim Haque
BBC Learning Producer: Ashley Kennedy
Director & Photographer: Sindha Agha
Producer: Paulette Caletti
Executive Producer: Juliette Larthe
Head of Production: Hannah May
Illustrator: Avalon Nuovo
Animator: Louise Miller
Animation Unit: Matthew Day
Animation Assistant: George Warren
Additional painting: Matty Mancey-Jones
Casting Director: Maxine Lankitus
Sound Engineer: Charlie Cooper
Sound Assistant: Simone Beun Stampell
Sound Producer: Beth Morson
Sound Studio: Clearcut Sound Studios
Archive Stills: BBC Photo Library
ADHD: Laura Frances Allen
Depression: Prasanna Sellathurai
BDD: Hannah Lewis
PTSD: Saijal Reahal
Cleo Chung
Jace Casey
Matty Crawford