Amaro, a pioneer online retailer from Brazil, has partnered up with VMLY&R unveiling an unexpected activation on Instagram called The Virtual Nodule. Amaro, known for their creativity, data, and technology, is hacking the Instagram 'Shop Now' tool for the first time, to teach their consumers more about the risks of breast cancer.
Consumer would interact normally with the post, attempting to purchase the tagged product, upon touching the round tag they will be surprised with messages such as: "Hmm, this small lump feels weird." or "I better check out this lump". The consumer is then directed to information about the importance of early diagnosis of breast cancer, by doing yearly preventive exams or mammography. On the 'buy' button users are sent to a landing page developed by Amaro where they are provided more information about breast cancer, public and private clinics to book exams and contacts of doctors focused on the subject.
Amaro is the first company to use this tool with a communication objective instead of a shopping function. "We transformed a very simple and used Instagram's shopping tool into an awareness and prevention tool for breast cancer, helping Amaro's consumers to find trustable information about the illness and clinics to book exams,” said Rafael Pitanguy, chief creative officer VMLY&R LATAM.
The alert posts can be seen on the brand's official profile. Amaro’s aim is to be next to women in these important moments in their lives, bringing access to reliable information and inspiring self-esteem and self-care. They hope this activation will incentivize women to book doctors or exams to check their breasts yearly, because health and breast cancer is a serious matter. Amaro believes that more than awareness we must inspire action.