OneChoice and FCB New Zealand have unveiled two new TVCs to launch their Life Insurance product to the Kiwi market. Titled, ‘Silver Lining’ the new campaign provocatively communicates OneChoice’s role in providing a brighter future for those who lose a loved one.
In a funeral setting, the two Silver Lining spots begin with the reading of a eulogy for someone who had thoughtfully arranged life insurance with OneChoice, prior to their passing. During the gushing memorial speech, the speaker explains the product benefits to the partner of the deceased who sits before them, revealing the financial security for their future. The benefactor’s expressions of relief and excitement become the focus before the spot comes to an end.
The new campaign focuses on the insight that Kiwi’s insure their houses, contents and cars but commonly forget to recognise their own value, which may be worth millions of dollars to family members after they are gone.
Says Tony Clewett, executive creative director, FCB: “We knew that by injecting a small smile into what’s often an incredibly stressful time, that we’d strike a chord with our audience. It’s a fine line to ‘creatively’ tread, but we feel we’ve reflected that well.”
Says Simon Hovell, chief marketing officer, OneChoice: “Our brief was very succinct— the creative had to be quirky to reflect our tone of voice, using strong talent to distinguish itself in the market. The result was two TVC’s that are a balance of humour in different settings, whilst showcasing the importance of having a quality life insurance product.”
As well as TV, the integrated campaign will run across radio, print and digital platforms, encouraging people to get their life insurance sorted to protect the future of their loved ones.